Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1023 - Published at: 5 years ago
This seed will spawn you very close to two medium-sized villages in a plains biome and one huge woodland mansion situated in a roofed forest biome. Woodland mansions are known for being extremely rare and that’s why finding one this close to spawn makes it very attractive. However, you have to keep in mind that it’ll only work for users who have got version 1.1 and above.
Found by: ChillyKnight, Twitter Account
The spawn is in a plains biome very close to a thick oak forest. Just walk straight ahead for a while and you will soon reach a small village. Continue past that village to reach a second village.
The second is a bit larger the first one and it also includes a blacksmith. But it’s not really the main attraction in this seed. From here take a turn to your left and you will soon reach a lake and then the woodland mansion.
The woodland mansion is located just next to the lake and surrounding it are lots of dark oak trees.
There are plenty of things to see inside the mansion. For example, in one of the rooms you’ll find a pumpkin farm. But you have to be careful because some of the mobs here are hostile toward players.
Seed: 3322636929
Important: This seed requires version (or above). Android users can sign up for a beta here!