Download 28 Weeks Later Add-on - Minecraft PE Addons
MC: 28 Weeks Later Add-on
Category:Minecraft PE Mods & Addons  / Minecraft PE Addons
Viewed: 1137 - Published at: 5 years ago


Did you want a more scary and difficult wild life? let me introduce this addon.

As the days go by, that are difficult and scary, and the zombies can build and break down blocks.

The addon is still incomplete.

It will be updated later, so please wait!


Biozombie is a representative monster of 28 Weeks Later Addon.

  • Health : 6
  • Damage: 3
  • Spawn at night (Spawn at night for 28 days file)
  • Biozombie has six faces.
  • If Biozombie hit you, you get slowness effect

In 28 weeks addon, the zombies will be able to pile up blocks.
Zombies can also break blocks, and in 28 Weeks Later 28 Days Addon, zombies are gets stronger as the days go by.

28 Weeks Later 28 Days Addon (28 Weeks Later 28 Days Addon, 1 week is 1 minecraft time.)

1 to 2 Days: Same as existing Minecraft

3 to 4 days: More zombies are called in. Zombies are also summoned in the light.

Day 5: Biozombie will be summoned. Biozombie is also summoned in the light.

Day 6: The zombie begins to break the block.

Day 7: Zombies start installing blocks

In this addon, we’ve only made it seven days.

If you want to see more detail about zombie breaking blocks and installing them, please check the video

And ’28 Weeks Later Later Later’ instead of ’28 Weeks Later 28 Days Addon’ will be set to zombies with 28 days left! (The zombies will be set to after 7 days because they have been implemented outside.)

Maker: DrGame (게임박사)

Original: The Different Day (다른하루)

translator : bstnys(무)


Apply the addon and allow ‘Use experimental game play’ to open the map before opening it!


