MC: 2 Zombie Villages & Outpost Near Spawn (Seed)
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1029 - Published at: 4 years ago
Category:Minecraft PE Seeds
Viewed: 1029 - Published at: 4 years ago
This is a seed I found when I created a world to do a addon review I think its cool and like the name says it does have 2 zombie villages near spawn and a out post so let’s get into that.
here’s a look at spawn
the first zombie is right next to spawn
and here’s the outpost
and as you can tell from the second screenshot theres zombie village 2
you can use this seed if you want to be in a zombie village or just want to burn down a outpost I like this seed and I hope you like it too anyways I`m going now bye
Seed ID
0.11.1 Seeds 1.10+ Seeds Realistic Texture Packs Roller Coaster Maps 0.17.0+ Seeds 0.13.1 Seeds Survival Island Minigame Maps 0.16.1 Seeds Shaders