Download Piston - Items
MC: Piston
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 1036 - Published at: 5 years ago


Pistons are blocks capable of pushing most blocks, depending on the direction they are facing. Sticky Pistons are similar to the Piston; the difference is that it can pull blocks as well as push them. When extending, sticky pistons act exactly as regular pistons, pushing up to 12 blocks. When retracting, sticky pistons will pull along the block immediately in front of it. Obsidian, bedrock, all blocks with tile entities, and extended pistons cannot be pulled, just as they cannot be pushed. It is possible for the block that is “stuck” to a sticky piston to be pushed aside by another piston, and sticky pistons cannot hold sand and gravel horizontally against gravity; the stickiness is only in effect during the retraction of the piston.

