Download Cactus - Items
MC: Cactus
Category:MC Unit Item  / Items
Viewed: 1024 - Published at: 5 years ago


A Cactus (plural Cacti or Cactus) is a Plant block that occurs naturally in deserts and mesas. When any entity, including players and mobs, touches a cactus, of damage is taken (damage is dealt every 0.5 second). The block can be harvested easily by either: The block has three textures; one put on all vertical sides of the block, another on top, and the third on the bottom (which looks like a simpler version of logs). Cacti will destroy any items that come into contact with them, including cacti blocks harvested above them. If a player or mob dies by cacti, it is possible that many of their dropped items will be destroyed. Therefore, traps made with cacti in order to farm resources aren't very efficient. However, this destruction can be harnessed. Cactus can be used to make garbage bins and is safer than lava since it deals less damage when touched and it does not cause fires. Cactus can be cooked in a furnace to make cactus green dye.

